
This is the starting point for the RSE project.

This document is available both online and in your group repository, under resources/project-description/

NOTE: In contrast to the online version, your group repository will contain working links to relevant repository files.


In case of changes to this description, we will update the online version of this description (but not the version that will be available in your group repository). Please check the online version regularly.

Summary of changes:

  • No changes so far.

Project Groups

The project group assignments can be found here.

Project Presentation

The slides from the project presentation can be found here.

Project Description


Imagine you are planning a post-COVID party, and want to print nFlyers flyers to announce it to the world. While you have access to many printers scattered across ETH, there is a limit to how many copies they can print per print job. As a savvy computer scientist, you devise a program which distributes the copies across various printers. However, does your program actually satisfy your requirements? To answer this question, you decide to apply program analysis as taught in RSE.


Consider the following class Printer:

 * We are verifying calls into this class
public final class Printer {

  // total number of copies printed by all printers ever
  public static int nTotalCopies = 0;

  // upper limit on the number of copies printed in a single call to print
  private final int nLimit;

  public Printer(int nLimit) {
    this.nLimit = nLimit;

  public void print(int n) {
    // check NON_NEGATIVE
    assert n >= 0;
    // check RESPECTS_LIMIT
    assert n <= this.nLimit;

    // print copies
    Printer.nTotalCopies += n;

    // check ENOUGH_COPIES
    // (check only upon program termination)
    // assert Printer.nTotalCopies >= nFlyers;

The goal of the project is to implement a program analyzer that takes as input a Java program with a static field nFlyers, which makes use of the Printer class. The program analyzer then verifies that the following conditions hold for this program:


  • For any reachable invocation of print(n) on an object o of class Printer, n >= 0.


  • For any reachable invocation of print(n) on an object o of class Printer, n <= o.nLimit.


  • Upon program termination, Printer.nTotalCopies >= nFlyers.
  • If the program never terminates, this check is considered SAFE.

These properties should be viewed as independent: for example, ENOUGH_COPIES may be SAFE even if RESPECTS_LIMIT is UNSAFE. In particular, you may assume that only one assertion is checked at a time, and that violations of other assertions are ignored.

Your program analyzer (see skeleton below) must take as input a TEST_CLASS and a VerificationProperty (e.g., NON_NEGATIVE), and return true (called SAFE) if the property is guaranteed to hold, and false (called UNSAFE) if the property cannot be proven.

Example 1 (SAFE)

// expected results:

public class Basic_Test_Safe {

  static final int nFlyers = 6;

  public static void m1() {
    Printer p = new Printer(3);

Example 2 (UNSAFE)

// expected results:

public class Basic_Test_Unsafe {

  static final int nFlyers = 3;

  public void m2(int j) {
    Printer p = new Printer(2);
    if (-1 <= j && j <= 3) {

Project Repository

For each group, we will set up a repository with a skeleton for your solution, which you should see at As a first step, you should read and follow the file. It contains instructions on how to set up the project and run it.

The output of the skeleton is initially always SAFE, which is unsound. The goal of the project is to follow the comments in the code (check for FILL THIS OUT), such that the project only reports SAFE for test classes where we can guarantee it (but as often as possible). Feel free to change any part of the skeleton (even parts not marked with FILL THIS OUT), as long as you do not change files which tell you to NOT MODIFY THIS FILE.


For your analysis, you will use the two libraries APRON and Soot. Part of your assignment is understanding these libraries sufficiently to leverage them for program analysis. In addition to the resources provided below, you may also consult

  • The course lectures on abstract interpretation and pointer analysis.
  • The language fragment of Soot to handle (see below).
  • The documentation for APRON and Soot (including documentation of methods and classes), which is available in Visual Studio Code after setting up the project (see file).


APRON is a library for numerical abstract domains. An example file of using APRON exists here - it should demonstrate everything you need to know about APRON. You can also find documentation about the APRON framework here, and more extensive usage examples here.


Your program analyzer is built using Soot, a framework for analyzing Java programs. You can learn more about Soot by reading its tutorial, survivor guide, and javadoc. You can find additional tutorials here.

Your program analyzer uses Soot’s pointer analysis to determine which variables may point to Printer objects (see the file in your skeleton).

Language Fragment to Handle

For this project, you will analyse a fragment of Jimple. This language contains only local integer variables and Printer objects. Note that the type of integer variables can be int, byte, short, or bool (e.g., int i = 10; is represented as byte, see also -> isIntValue).

  • Details about the Jimple language can be found here
  • The language fragment to handle is:
Jimple Construct Meaning
DefinitionStmt Definition Statement: here, you only need to handle integer assignments to a local variable. That is, x = y, or x = 5 or x = EXPR, where EXPR is one of the three binary expressions below. That is, you need to be able to handle: y = x + 5 or y = x * z.
JMulExpr Multiplication
JSubExpr Subtraction
JAddExpr Addition
JIfStmt Conditional Statement. You need to handle conditionals where the condition can be any of the binary boolean expressions below. These conditions can again only mention integer local variables or constants, for example: if (x > y) or if (x <= 4), etc.
JEqExpr ==
JGeExpr >=
JGtExpr >
JLeExpr <=
JLtExpr <
JNeExpr !=
IntConstant Integer constant
JimpleLocal Local variable
ParameterRef Method parameter
JInvokeStmt Call to print (cp. JVirtualInvokeExpr) or initializer for new Printer object (cp. JSpecialInvokeExpr)
JReturnVoidStmt Return from function
JGotoStmt Goto statement
  • Loops are also allowed in the programs.
  • Assignments of pointers of type Printer are possible, e.g. p = q where p and q are of type Printer. However, those are handled by the pointer analysis.

Implementation tips

  • You may assume the class you analyze only has a single method in addition to its constructor (called <init> in Soot). You may assume that the constructor is empty.
  • You can assume the constructor Printer takes as arguments only integer constants (never local variables).
  • You may assume the analyzed class contains a static field nFlyers initialized to an integer constant.
  • It is enough to use the polyhedra domain that APRON provides (Polka) to analyze relations over the local integer variables.
  • The analyzed code may contain loops and branches.
  • If you see an operation for which you are not precise - do not crash, but be less precise or go to top instead so that you remain sound. This is useful in case of misunderstandings on the project description.
  • You will need to apply widening. Do this after WIDENING_THRESHOLD steps (see -> WIDENING_THRESHOLD).
  • Only local variables need to be tracked for the numerical analysis (no global variables), but for the heap you need to use the existing pointer analysis of Soot. The skeleton already contains the invocation of the pointer analysis. You can then leverage the result of this pointer analysis for your numerical analysis.
  • You can assume the analyzed code never throws exceptions, such as null dereferences, or division by zero.
  • You can assume all analyzed methods only have integer parameters (in particular, they cannot have Printer parameters).
  • You may ignore overflows in your implementation (in other words, you may assume that APRON captures Java semantics correctly)
  • The three properties to check are ordered by difficulty. We recommend you work on them in the order NON_NEGATIVE, RESPECTS_LIMIT, ENOUGH_COPIES. The last property is meant as a challenge for stronger groups (but solving it is necessary for full points).
  • We strongly recommend you to test your implementation on many examples (you should come up with your own examples).


  • The project deadline is Wednesday, June 9th, 2021, 17:00 (Zurich time)!
  • We may decline to answer project questions after Monday, June 7th, 2021, 17:00. This avoids last-minute revelations that cannot be incorporated by all groups.
  • Commit and push your project to the master branch of your GitLab repository (that originally contained the skeleton) before the project deadline. Please do not commit after the deadline - we will flag groups that try this.
  • If you cannot access your GitLab repository, contact


  • We will evaluate your tool on our own set of programs for which we know if they are valid or not.
  • Your project must use the setup of the provided skeleton. In particular, you cannot use libraries other than those provided in analysis/pom.xml.
  • We will evaluate you depending on the correctness of your program and the precision of your solution. You will not get points if your program does not satisfy the requirements. If your solution is unsound (i.e. says that an unsafe code is safe), or imprecise (i.e. says that a safe code is unsafe) we will penalize it.
  • We will penalize unsoundness much more than imprecision.
  • There will be a limit of 10 seconds and 1G of RAM to verify an application. Use this script if you want to ensure your solution adheres to these limits. Because the performance of a given solution is sometimes hard to predict, this limit is chosen generously.
  • We will award additional points for groups that achieve a test instruction coverage of >=75%.
  • Your solution must use abstract interpretation. Do not use other techniques like symbolic execution, testing, brute force, random guessing, machine learning, etc.
  • Do not try to cheat (e.g., by reading the solutions from the test file)!

Master solution

In case you are unsure if you are expected to be precise on a given program, you may query the master solution here to gauge the precision we expect from a top-graded project (you need to provide your nethz username and password).

Project Assistance

For questions about the project, please consult (in this order):

  • This project description
  • The skeleton in your GitLab repository (in particular the README file)
  • The documentation of libraries&frameworks, in particular APRON and Soot discussed above
  • The Moodle page. All students will see and are encouraged to reply to the questions about the project.
  • The project TA at (only when Moodle is not possible)