About me

I am Yuhao Mao, a PhD student at the Secure, Reliable, and Intelligent Systems Lab of ETH Zürich, advised by Prof. Martin Vechev, since September 2023.


  • ETH Zurich, 2021 - 2023
  • M. Sc. Computer Science

  • Zhejiang University, 2017 - 2021
  • B. Sc. Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, B. Sc. Finance

Work Experience

  • Higgs Asset, Hangzhou, March 2021 - July 2021
  • Internship in Quant Research



Understanding Certified Training with Interval Bound Propagation
Yuhao Mao, Mark Niklas Müller, Marc Fischer, Martin Vechev
ICLR 2024
Expressivity of ReLU-Networks under Convex Relaxations
Maximilian Baader*, Mark Niklas Müller*, Yuhao Mao, Martin Vechev
ICLR 2024 * Equal contribution
Overcoming the Paradox of Certified Training with Gaussian Smoothing
Stefan Balauca, Mark Niklas Müller, Yuhao Mao, Maximilian Baader, Marc Fischer, Martin Vechev
arXiv 2024


Connecting Certified and Adversarial Training
Yuhao Mao, Mark Niklas Müller, Marc Fischer, Martin Vechev
NeuIPS 2023